Ingrid Yogita Wengatz, Ph.D., is a fully trained ayurvedic practitioner, Natural Therapeutics Specialist (NTS), Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT #5899) and a certified Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200) with Yoga Alliance.

Yogita got her Yoga Teacher Certification in 1997 and studied Ayur-Yoga for 2 years with the great yoga teachers Chitra Giauque, Michele Schultz and the late Betheyla at the Ayurvedic Institute. Ayur-Yoga is individualized, therapeutic yoga that takes each person’s unique constitution or its doshic imbalance, as well as seasonal effects into account. Yogita’s focus is on gentle movement with breathwork to facilitate relaxation of body, mind and soul and to remove energy blockages from the body.

Yogita offers her classes at the beginning level. Private sessions are also available.

Restorative yoga for everybody

Rebalance you nervous system and nurture your body! Great for Stress management and people recovering form injuries!
Thursdays from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm at “Time to Relax“, 11603 Menaul Blvd.

Fee: $ 12 per class, please call (505) 414-7620 to confirm that you have a space in the class

Yoga for beginners

Designed for people who have never tried yoga before or are at the beginning level. Gentle movement with breathwork.
Time and Place to be determined.

Yoga for women ~50

Designed for women around menopause. Stress is one of the factors for hormonal imbalance. Learn to distress, to keep your flexibility and to strengthen your bones with ayurvedic yoga.
Classes forming. Call for time and location.

Yoga for kapha-women

Designed for women struggling with weight-issues.
Classes forming. Call for time and location.

Yoga for seniors

Designed for people age 60 and above. Regain/maintain flexibility and bone-health and connect with your higher wisdom. Classes forming. Call for time and location.